Pool byggeblok EPS25/EPS80 300 mm hvid 1m

Hurtig, gratis levering på ordrer over 18.000 DKK

Din grossist indenfor vandteknologi

7.8/10 Læs anmeldelser

Product information

Building blocks, build and shape your pool with Pool building bricks!
A simple and quick solution for building an insulated swimming pool with smooth and precise walls.
The EPS25 pool building bricks are coated with 10mm of EPS80 for the inner side of the pool.
After that you can apply the liner of your choice to give your pool that special look.

Bredde 250 mm
Størrelse 300 mm
Højde 300 mm
Længde 1 m
Materiale EPS25/EPS80
Farve hvid

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