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En bæredygtig filtreringsløsning


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PED-systemet: En bæredygtig filtreringsløsning

Filtrer og genanvend forurenet spildevand effektivt, sikkert og i overensstemmelse med reglerne til vandingsformål. Precision Effluent Dispersal (PED)-systemet tilbyder denne bæredygtige løsning. 

Den bæredygtige filtreringsløsning

Skræddersyet system

Egnet til gennemførelse i andre sektorer

Silver Hill Duck – discharging effluent sustainably

The need for a suitable filtration system at the poultry processing plant in question was urgent. European Communities Environmental Objectives (Surface Water) Regulation 2009 and (Groundwater) Regulation for 2010 were the legislative catalysts that motivated Silver Hill Duck to change to land application of effluent rather than discharge to stream were the assimilative capacity wasn’t great enough.   

The EPA initiated a license review due to these new regulations. Silver Hill Duck reached out to Bosta UK as they were looking for an alternative means of discharging the treated process effluent from their private wastewater treatment plant.

The PED system pilot project and project expansion

Silver Hill Duck wanted to run a pilot project for dispersing effluent on a small patch of land of approximately 1.6 hectares. If this was successful, the system would be extended. The EPA had given Silver Hill Duck an effluent release licence of 480 m3 per day across 14.6 ha. 

Silver Hill Duck decided to opt for a subsurface dripline system to disperse the effluent. Bosta were asked to quote a turn-key pilot solution, from connection to a tank at the processing factory all the way to the driplines, including soil moisture probes. The system had to be remotely controllable, enable the reuse of water for irrigation purposes and should continue to meet the requirements set by the licensing committee for the next fifteen years. 

Bosta designed a system for approximately 14.6 ha, with a proposed pilot project area of 1.6 ha, and in 2021, Bosta executed the pilot project by installing a Precision Effluent Dispersal (PED) system. 

Phase 1 of the project met all objectives that were laid out by the EPA for the drip irrigation pilot scheme. This allowed the full project to commence, with installation by Bosta in July 2023. 

Silver Hill Duck now no longer discharge treated effluent to the stream and are in compliance with the EPA licence.

“The Drip Irrigation System has been a tremendous success for Silver Hill. We researched a lot of alternative solutions in conjunction with the EPA in trying to find a sustainable solution for our treated water discharge. Once we settled on drip irrigation as being the optimal solution, we then worked with Bosta to design and develop a pilot phase. We were very impressed by the quality of work they carried out, the knowledge they had on the system and the overall success of the pilot. After the EPA licenced the system for the 9 plots of land, Bosta seamlessly delivered the project plan in the summer of 2023 and installed the largest drip irrigation system in Europe. This system now works successfully, and our staff are trained to maintain and manage the system for the years ahead. What was necessitated out of legislative change has turned into an opportunity for Silver Hill to install a state of the art, environmentally safe and sustainable wastewater management system that we are very proud to pioneer."
The team at Silver Hill Duck

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Bevo's løsning: PED-systemet

Dette er PED-systemet

En løsning i form af et system, der filtrerer de stoffer, der er indeholdt i spildevandet, og derved reducerer dem til et acceptabelt niveau i forhold til både økosystemet og de juridiske standarder. Samtidig giver det mulighed for at genbruge vandet. Dette gjorde virksomheden til en bæredygtig aktør.

Systemet består af et underjordisk drypvandingssystem, der er koblet til virksomhedens beluftnings- og rensningssystem. Bevo udførte den komplette installation, lige fra tilslutning til forarbejdningsanlæggets tank til drypvandsledningerne og alt andet, der var nødvendigt undervejs. Dette omfattede filtrering, automatisk tilbagespuling, pumpe, kontrolpanel, grænseflader, testbrønde samt fugt- og dybde-L-sensorer.

Skræddersyet system

Bevo udførte det komplette design og installationen. Fra tilslutning til forarbejdningsanlæggets tank til drypledninger og alt andet, der var nødvendigt undervejs. 

Bevo installerede et fjernbetjent kontrolpanel i pumpehuset. Indsugning, filtrering og pumpning af vand sker automatisk. De specialdesignede emittere styrer mængden og strømmen af vand i marken. 

"PED er et innovativt system, der virkelig giver kunden et forspring."
Timmy Bendixen, specialist i Bevo-projekter

Egnet til flere anvendelsesområder

PED-systemet er velegnet til anvendelse i andre sektorer. Det er f.eks. allerede blevet installeret på en campingplads, hvor spildevand fra toiletterne renses og genbruges. 

Systemet er dog også velegnet til filtrering og vanding i mange andre industrier. Tal med Bevos eksperter. Vi vil gennemgå alle de tilgængelige muligheder med dig.

Wastewater treatment with PED system brochure is available now

Download your copy to find out more about the complete wastewater treatment and dispersal system

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