- Tropfberegnung (173)
- Mikrobewässerung & Regner (164)
- Pumpen, Druckbehälter & Zubehör (90)
- Ventile, Mess- & Regeltechnik (183)
- Filtertechnik
- Behälter (13)
- Schläuche (23)
- Kupplungen (107)
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- Kunststoff-Druckrohrleitungssysteme (386)
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Automatische Siebfilter
Buy superior-quality electronically controlled screen filters to keep your system up and running without breaking down due to clogging. The screen cleaning is carried out automatically in this type of system when the pressure drops to a pre-set value. You can buy durable and efficient automatic screen filters manufactured by Yamit and Amiad from our assortment. The filters listed here can be used for the filtration of particles of 120 and 130 microns. They are suitable for the maximum operating pressure range of 8 bars and 10 bards.