- Tropfberegnung (173)
- Mikrobewässerung & Regner (164)
- Pumpen, Druckbehälter & Zubehör (90)
Ventile, Mess- & Regeltechnik
- PVC/PP-Armaturen (18)
- Messing Kugelhähne, Mega (4)
- Messing Absperrschieber (2)
Gusseisen Armaturen
- Absperrklappen (2)
- Fuß-Ventile (3)
- Bermad Kunststoff-Ventile, Serie 200 & Serie 100 (15)
- Kabel & Verbinder (4)
- Luftventile (3)
- Armaturen & Zubehör, Ventile (18)
- Manometer (6)
- Hygrometer & Thermometer (2)
- Wasserzähler & Durchflussmesser (17)
- Dosiergeräte (18)
- Druckregler (19)
- Regelungen (30)
- Sensoren (12)
- Filtertechnik (78)
- Behälter (13)
- Schläuche (23)
- Kupplungen (107)
- Schellen (4)
- Kunststoff-Druckrohrleitungssysteme (386)
- Befestigungstechnik & Klebstoffe (31)
- Metallrohre & Fittings (46)
- Werkzeuge (43)
Gusseisen Armaturen
As evident from the name "gate valve", they operate in a way similar to gates. Gate valves are the most common type of valves that are used in domestic potable water supply systems. They are meant to operate in either an open position or a closed position, not for regulating fluid flow. The cast-iron gate valves are durable and have a good degree of resistance to corrosion as well. We have handpicked a superior-quality gate valve manufactured by Profec which can operate well within a maximum operating range of 10 bar pressure. They can be bought in ten sizes such as DN40, DN50, DN98, etc.