- Tropfberegnung (173)
- Mikrobewässerung & Regner (164)
- Pumpen, Druckbehälter & Zubehör (90)
Ventile, Mess- & Regeltechnik
- PVC/PP-Armaturen (18)
- Messing Kugelhähne, Mega (4)
- Messing Absperrschieber (2)
- Gusseisen Armaturen (10)
- Absperrklappen (2)
- Fuß-Ventile (3)
- Bermad Kunststoff-Ventile, Serie 200 & Serie 100 (15)
- Kabel & Verbinder (4)
- Armaturen & Zubehör, Ventile (18)
- Manometer (6)
- Hygrometer & Thermometer (2)
- Wasserzähler & Durchflussmesser (17)
- Dosiergeräte (18)
- Druckregler (19)
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- Filtertechnik (78)
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- Schläuche (23)
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- Kunststoff-Druckrohrleitungssysteme (386)
- Befestigungstechnik & Klebstoffe (31)
- Metallrohre & Fittings (46)
- Werkzeuge (43)
Air valves are hydromechanical devices that are specifically designed to release the air that is trapped during the operation of the irrigation system. Releasing the trapped air is an important procedure in order to prevent the efficiency drop of the system. From here you can buy aesthetically designed air valves manufactured by Bermad. They come in male threaded connections which are designed to operate automatically as well as in combination modes. You can buy air valves that have a maximum operation range of 10 bar and 16 bar pressure. They are equipped with EPDM seals which are super-efficient leakage prevention. You can choose between a variety of options available in terms of size and type.