- Tropfberegnung (173)
- Mikrobewässerung & Regner (164)
- Pumpen, Druckbehälter & Zubehör (90)
Ventile, Mess- & Regeltechnik
- PVC/PP-Armaturen (18)
Messing Kugelhähne, Mega
- Messing Absperrschieber (2)
- Gusseisen Armaturen (10)
- Absperrklappen (2)
- Fuß-Ventile (3)
- Bermad Kunststoff-Ventile, Serie 200 & Serie 100 (15)
- Kabel & Verbinder (4)
- Luftventile (3)
- Armaturen & Zubehör, Ventile (18)
- Manometer (6)
- Hygrometer & Thermometer (2)
- Wasserzähler & Durchflussmesser (17)
- Dosiergeräte (18)
- Druckregler (19)
- Regelungen (30)
- Sensoren (12)
- Filtertechnik (78)
- Behälter (13)
- Schläuche (23)
- Kupplungen (107)
- Schellen (4)
- Kunststoff-Druckrohrleitungssysteme (386)
- Befestigungstechnik & Klebstoffe (31)
- Metallrohre & Fittings (46)
- Werkzeuge (43)
Messing Kugelhähne, Mega
When compared to a plastic ball valve, brass valves have superior thermal durability. They are mainly brass alloy comprised of copper and zinc. Brass valves are also highly corrosion-resistant. You can buy high-quality brass valves manufactured by Profec and VIR from here. They can be bought in more than ten sizes ranging from 1/4" to 6". Our products can operate efficiently in operating pressures such as 16, 20, and 25 bars. If you are particular about the material used in the handle, we offer dacromet steel, fibreglass-reinforced nylon, stainless steel, and steel handles.