- Tropfberegnung (173)
- Mikrobewässerung & Regner (164)
- Pumpen, Druckbehälter & Zubehör (90)
Ventile, Mess- & Regeltechnik
- Messing Kugelhähne, Mega (4)
- Messing Absperrschieber (2)
- Gusseisen Armaturen (10)
- Absperrklappen (2)
- Fuß-Ventile (3)
- Bermad Kunststoff-Ventile, Serie 200 & Serie 100 (15)
- Kabel & Verbinder (4)
- Luftventile (3)
- Armaturen & Zubehör, Ventile (18)
- Manometer (6)
- Hygrometer & Thermometer (2)
- Wasserzähler & Durchflussmesser (17)
- Dosiergeräte (18)
- Druckregler (19)
- Regelungen (30)
- Sensoren (12)
- Filtertechnik (78)
- Behälter (13)
- Schläuche (23)
- Kupplungen (107)
- Schellen (4)
- Kunststoff-Druckrohrleitungssysteme (386)
- Befestigungstechnik & Klebstoffe (31)
- Metallrohre & Fittings (46)
- Werkzeuge (43)
PVC/ PP valves are durable and cost-effective plastic valves that have a rotary ball with a bore for regulating, directing, and modulating the flow and pressure of the fluids. From our assortment, you can buy superior-quality plastic valves manufactured by Profec and VDL. You can choose valves with an L-bore or a T-bore. Along with a variety of lever-operated manual valves, we have listed an actuator-operated electronic PVC ball valve with a switching time of 15 seconds. Valves come in a variety of seals made of EPDM, PTFE, hytrel, and viton. You can find valves suitable for operating pressure ranges such as 10 and 16 bars. Not just that, they are available in different colours and connection types (compression, female and male threaded).