Ostatni dzień składania zamówień przed Świętami: 23.12.2024 do godz. 12:00. Zamówienia złożone do tej godziny zostaną wysłane jeszcze tego samego dnia. Przerwa świąteczna trwa od 24.12.2024 do 27.12.2024, w tym czasie realizacja zamówień będzie wstrzymana.

What is the status of my backorder?

Backorders allowed: Every time that goods that you have ordered come back into stock, they are delivered. For your order confirmation, "backorder allowed" means that you will see the date on which the goods will be dispatched.

Deliver order in full: The order will be shipped when everything is in stock. Therefore, you only need to look at the last date on the order confirmation.

Max 1 backorder:  You will receive all of the goods that are in stock at the time of your order. The goods that are not in stock will be delivered in 1 shipment when everything is back in stock