Alla Produkter
- Rör och kopplingar (440)
- Fittings (1279)
- Lim, tätningsmaterial och adhesiver (145)
- Ventiler (543)
- Slangar, kopplingar och klämmor (191)
- Dropp-, mikro- och vattenspridare
- Pool installation och underhåll (622)
- Pumpar (232)
- Mätning, reglering och filtrering (338)
- Tankar (104)
- Värmeutrustning (20)
- Fästelement och verktyg (84)
- Reservdelar (2912)
- Landskaps- och byggnadsbelysning (21)
Are you looking for micro-sprinklers and associated fittings? Our products here are all designed to contribute to maximum water efficiency which is critical in a world where water is an increasingly scarce commodity. There is a wide range of micro-sprinklers, mist nozzles, spike, leakage prevention, and necessary fittings from NaanDanJain, Rain Bird, and VDL. Our assortment includes popular models including Hadar, Flipper, and Green Spin. Here you can also find innovative low-pressure air-water fogging system TurboFog from NaanDanJain