Alla Produkter
- Rör och kopplingar (440)
- Fittings (1278)
- Lim, tätningsmaterial och adhesiver (145)
- Ventiler (542)
- Slangar, kopplingar och klämmor
- Dropp-, mikro- och vattenspridare (648)
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- Mätning, reglering och filtrering (335)
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- Reservdelar (2912)
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Here is our webpage to purchase quality products to complete your fittings accessories related to hoses, connectors & clamps. Products here on our webshop come from brands like Hydro-Fit, Profec, Needlac, and Profec. Our assortment consists of replated fittings and accessories for connecting hoses and allied connectors. The accessories are made from steel, copper, aluminium, etc. The various fittings available include jet spray nozzles, spray nozzles, spray type adjustable nozzles, and hose reels.
Låsbart jetmunstycke krompläterad mässing 1/2" x 13 mm slangkoppling type med ventil
315,20 kr