Alla Produkter
- Rör och kopplingar (440)
- Fittings (1278)
- Lim, tätningsmaterial och adhesiver (145)
- Ventiler (542)
- Slangar, kopplingar och klämmor (191)
- Dropp-, mikro- och vattenspridare (648)
- Pool installation och underhåll (621)
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- Mätning, reglering och filtrering (335)
- Tankar
- Värmeutrustning (20)
- Fästelement och verktyg (84)
- Reservdelar (2912)
- Landskaps- och byggnadsbelysning (21)
Fertiliser tanks are suitable for fertigation purposes where fertigation systems need to work without electricity. The operation and the maintenance of fertiliser are straightforward and simple. These tanks make use of the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet ports, thereby a flow is created. This flow is utilised for the displacement of chemicals. A horizontal fertiliser tank is available to buy in a single, but large capacity of 220 litres. A vertical fertiliser tank is available in to purchase in five different capacities such as 30, 60, 90,120 and 300 litres. Both types of tanks are manufactured by one of the reliable brands out there: Yamit.