- Tryckrörssystemer i plast (357)
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- Mässing kulventil, Profec (7)
- Mässing kulventil, Itap (2)
- Mässing kulventil, VIR (3)
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- Mässing kulventil, Mini (5)
Mässing kulventil, Trevägs
- Avlopp (3)
- Mässing skjutspjällventiler (2)
- Mässing magnetventiler (7)
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- Pumpar, trycktankar och tillbehör (125)
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Mässing kulventil, Trevägs
A three-way ball valve has three ports that are connected to the pipe for the medium to pass through. These ports are usually described as one inlet and two outlet ports or one outlet and two inlet ports depending upon the flow direction through the valve. Here we have a great collection of both L&T-port ball valve, side branch. Have a look at our products they come in a wide range of dimensions.