- Dropp (172)
- Micro och sprinklers (164)
- Pumpar, trycktank och tillbehör (87)
- Ventiler, mått och kontroll (183)
- Filtrering (80)
- Tankar (13)
- Slangar (23)
- Kopplingar (107)
- Klämmor (4)
Plast tryckrör system
- PE-rör, i rullar (8)
PE-rör, raka längder
- Kompressionfittings, Jason (34)
- Kompressionsfittings, PN10 (11)
- PP knackningsfästen till PE/PVC-rör (2)
- PE100 el- och rumpsvetsnings fittings (33)
- PVC tryckrör, metrisk (18)
- PVC tryckfittings, metrisk (86)
- PVC tryckfittings, VDL (125)
- PVC ringtätnings tryckrör och fittings, metrisk (17)
- Ringtätning av gjutjärn, tryckfittings till PE/PVC-rör, metrisk (5)
- PP gängade fittings (42)
- Fästelement och bindemedel (30)
- Metallrör och fittings (46)
- Verktyg (43)
PE-rör, raka längder
Buy the best quality PE pipes in straight lengths that are available in black colour. PE (polyethylene) pipes are lightweight, abrasion-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and flexible. These properties facilitate a good bending radius, and good resistance to impact. They are available in several variants that are suitable for applications where the maximum operating pressure range is between 4 bar to 16 bar. We offer several varieties of PE pipes in terms of size (from 20 mm to 225 mm) and wall thickness (from 2.0 mm to 13.4 mm).