Water usage, climate change and circular economy.

Environmental Pillar

Discover water saving products

Preserving our impact on nature

Through optimal operations and support related causes, we aim to leave natural resources better than before. In the pillar environment we focus on three areas; water, climate change and circular economy.

Eco-friendly product range

Minimalise carbon footprint

Using to sustainable packaging

Providing water solutions

With our environmental pillar we aim to make positive changes regarding water usage, climate change and circular economy.

Bevo's Corporate Social Responsibilty

Being sustainable in business, socially and environmentally

Making a difference one step at a time

Sustainable EDC'S

We have two sustainable distribution centres running. The first centre opened in Veghel, the Netherlands, in 2013. Recently, our second distribution centre in Poznan, Poland also opened its doors. Both use geothermical heating, LED lights, recycle waste and have solar panels.

Read more about Bevo


All of our packaging is now made from sustainable and recycled materials. Our blue boxes have been replaced by brown boxes, which do not require paint. 

The plastic bags used to fill the boxes have been replaced by shredded cardboard that is no longer usable. Next to that, the plastic wrappers for enclosing the boxes are no longer needed due to changes in box design.

Receive your order in the sustainable box

Recycled pipes and green products

We stimulate the recycling of used pipes and minimise the use of virgin materials. We started in Holland and will roll this out to other countries afterwards.

For many products we offer a ‘green’ alternative in our assortment. You can always contact our experts for an advice on sustainable options. 

Contact our experts

Our purpose and mission


Fresh water makes up a very small fraction of all water on the planet. This resource is essential for producing food, clothing, moving our waste stream, and keeping us and the environment healthy. Unfortunately, we use this scarce resource often inefficient. 

Together with our customers we want to help to solve this global problem by offering and promoting our water efficient and water quality enhancing products.

Eco-friendly products

Climate change

You are probably already familiar with the subject, climate change. Climate change threatens people with food and water scarcity, increased extreme weather conditions, accelerate more disease and economic loss. As a company we can help to limit climate change by reducing our carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases. 

MegaGroup has two principal targets that guide our actions:

  • Near-term target: Reduce in absolute terms our operational (Scope 1 & 2) emissions by 90% by 2030 against a 2021 baseline
  • Long-term target: Achieve Net Zero emissions covering Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2045
Collaboration for CO2 reduction

Circular economy

The circular economy is a new and inclusive economic paradigm that aims to minimise pollution and waste, extend product lifecycles, and enable broad sharing of physical and natural assets. 

For us as MegaGroup it means we are investigating how we can close the loop and change our business model. It gives us the opportunity to review our use of raw material and focus on different and more sustainable innovations. Moving toward a more circular economy could deliver benefits such a reducing pressure on the environment, improving the security of the supply of raw materials and stimulation sustainable innovations. 

 Our Ambition? Being 100% circular by 2050.

Eco-friendly products