Greener choices in industry

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Greener product alternatives in the industry sector

Eco-friendly products, optimising efficiency and reducing environmental impact for sustainable operations

DAB pressure set Esybox

DAB's pressure set, type Esybox, is equipped with inverter technology, which adjusts the speed of the pump based on the required water demand. This results in energy efficiency and reduced power consumption compared to traditional pumps. Secondly, the Esybox incorporates a built-in pressure sensor and flow control, ensuring optimal performance and preventing unnecessary water waste. It delivers water at the desired pressure, eliminating the need for additional pressure regulators and minimising water usage.

  • Less & recycled material
  • Energy efficient
  • Less water usage
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DAB submersible pump Esybox Diver

The DAB submersible pump, type ESYBOX Diver, features energy-efficient motor technology, resulting in reduced power consumption and lower operating costs. This helps conserve energy and reduce environmental impact. Secondly, the pump is designed for durability and longevity, minimising the need for frequent replacements and reducing waste. Additionally, the ESYBOX Diver pump is equipped with advanced control features that optimise performance, prevent dry-running, and protect against water leaks. This helps prevent water waste and ensures efficient operation.

  • Energy efficient
  • Less water usage
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DAB Pressure set type Esybox Mini

The DAB pressure set, type ESYBOX mini, is equipped with advanced variable speed technology, allowing the pump to adjust its speed based on water demand. This results in energy efficiency and reduced power consumption compared to traditional pumps. Secondly, the ESYBOX mini incorporates an integrated pressure sensor and flow control, ensuring optimal performance and preventing water waste. It delivers water at the desired pressure, eliminating the need for additional pressure regulators and minimising water usage. Additionally, the compact and all-in-one design of the ESYBOX mini saves space and reduces material waste during installation.

  • Energy efficient
  • Less water usage
  • Recycled materials
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Amiad automatic filter type Mini Sigma

The Amiad automatic filter, type Mini Sigma, utilises automatic self-cleaning technology, which reduces the need for manual cleaning and maintenance. This not only saves time and labour but also minimises water waste during the cleaning process. Secondly, the filter is designed with a high dirt-holding capacity, allowing for efficient filtration and extended filter life. This reduces the frequency of filter replacements and associated waste. Additionally, the Mini Sigma filter is constructed from durable and corrosion-resistant materials, ensuring a long lifespan and reducing the need for frequent replacements.

  • Less materials
  • Energy efficient
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MDM pump - on request

MDM smart pumps are designed with energy-efficient motors and advanced hydraulic systems, resulting in reduced power consumption and lower operating costs. The pumps are fully customisable, allowing for optimal perfomance and efficitent operation. This helps prevent water and energy waste. MDM pumps are constructed from durable materials, ensuring a long lifespan and reducing the need for frequent replacements. This minimises waste and contributes to resource conservation.

  • Longer life time
  • Energy efficient
  • Less water usage
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