Precise and efficient irrigation

Pear cultivation

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Precision irrigation to cultivate the most beautiful pears

The correct amounts at set times: that is what cultivating pears is about. Thanks to drip irrigation the grower can now completely control the feeding menu of the crop and the ultimate form of the fruit. Use precision irrigation for growing developed pears. The main facts of this practice are listed here.

Easy to track and adjust water amount

Prevents from plant diseases , night frost and weeds

Ensures optimal quality of the pear

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Targeted irrigation with drip hose

With precision irrigation the water ends up in the root zone drop by drop.

 This eliminates evaporation and waste, so it saves water for the grower. It also keeps the leaves of the crop dry. This helps prevent fungi and plant diseases. Also, the quality of the pear remains optimal because the soil stays cool

What more could a grower wish for?

Pear irrigation insights

Drip irrigation system

Choose for the drip tape that you install periodically above ground along the pear trees. Install this material on both sides of the plant and the water will be divided even more efficiently among the roots. A more durable option is an underground drip system with hoses. These will last ten to twenty years. Another benefit of this system is that the moisture always reaches the root zone thanks to the capillary function of the soil. Also, rodents cannot reach it.


The drippers in a precision irrigation system have small diameters. This could cause blockage for growers who cultivate pears on the open ground with sand or clay soil. That would impede with the highest possible yield. Filtration prevents this. Protect the water distribution system with the aid of a plastic system in combination with metal filters.

Cultivate pears automatically

Independent watering with an automated irrigation system is not necessary. Just ensure that there are sufficient pipes and a pump capacity that lets the water reach the entire plot. The grower keeps track of the distribution of the water via an app on their smartphone or laptop. Based on the data from moisture sensors they can determine to irrigate more or less. The result: well developed pears with exactly the right amount of water every time.

Our team of specialists can help realise your project. Provide us with your installation and contact details and we work with you to kick-start your project.