Effectively protecting orchards against spring frosts

Frost protection

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Effective frost protection for crops: Innovative irrigation solutions

In response to increasing spring frosts, safeguarding plants from low temperatures is vital for orchardists and growers. Overhead irrigation emerges as a top solution, effectively shielding plants from frost damage by forming an insulating layer of ice when temperatures drop below freezing. Innovative irrigation systems like NaanDanJain's 233B and Flipper sprinklers, alongside Senninger's Wobbler sprinklers, are tailored for growers seeking efficient protection against adverse weather. Renowned for their reliability and effectiveness, these solutions bolster crop health and productivity, empowering farmers worldwide to mitigate losses and enhance market competitiveness.

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Advanced frost protection: NaanDanJain's 233B

NaanDanJain's 233B brass full-circle sprinklers are designed to safeguard orchards from frost with a red cap preventing freezing and ensuring continuous functionality in harsh climates. Featuring bayonet quick connector nozzles and colour coding, they facilitate simple operation and maintenance.

With a range of up to 20 metres, integrated stream straightening blade, sand and dust protection sleeve, and a durable metal impact pendulum, these sprinklers offer reliable and lasting irrigation support, making frost protection more manageable while promoting optimal crop growth and development.

NaanDanJain full circle sprinkler

Efficient irrigation: the Flipper sprinkler

The Flipper sprinkler, designed for vineyards and fruit walls, features a unique structure ensuring precise water distribution along vine rows with large drops to minimise initial cooling effects. Saving up to 70% of water compared to traditional systems, it's both cost-effective and eco-friendly.

With safe operation in frost conditions down to -10°C, low installation costs, and a flow rate of 25-45 l/h at 2.0-3.0 bar pressure, the Flipper offers high-quality, versatile crop protection. Discover the Flipper sprinkler for sustainable plantation management today!

Discover the Flipper sprinkler

Frost prevention: Senninger's Wobbler sprinklers

Senninger's Wobbler sprinklers provide precise water distribution across crops with 360° flow, low pressure, and high wind resistance, ideal for frost prevention. 

Mini Wobbler™: 
  • Flow rate: 95-495 l/h 
  • Operating pressure: 1.03-1.72 bar 
  • Range: 8.1-13.3 m
Xcel Wobbler™: 
  • Flow rate: 177-1583 l/h 
  • Operating pressure: 0.69-1.72 bar 
  • Range: 9.8-16.9 m

The Wobbler sprinklers

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I start anti-frost irrigation?

Plants should be sprinkled from the moment the temperature drops below 0°C until it grows above zero again. It is recommended to stop irrigation when the wind speed exceeds 5.0 m/s to avoid stream drift.

What are the design principles?

The minimum water requirement for protection against frost of -3°C is 3 mm/h. With larger frosts, water demand increases by 0.5 mm/h for each additional degree of frost. Example: if the temperature is -4 °C, the minimum water demand will be 3.5 mm/h.

How much water does an overhead irrigation system use?

Water consumption depends on many factors and the solution used, but to protect 1 ha of crops, one should adopt: 
  • Flipper: approx. 20 m3/h/ha 
  • 233B: approx. 35 m3/h/ha 
  • Mini Wobbler™: approx. 30-50 m3/h/ha 
  • Xcel Wobbler™: approx. 30-50 m3/h/ha

How far apart should sprinklers be placed?

Sprinkler spacing depends on many factors, such as the type of crop, terrain conditions, local climate conditions and farmer preferences. In general, however, it is recommended to space the sprinklers evenly to ensure uniform water coverage of the growing area during the overhead irrigation process. It is worth contacting our experts who can provide more detailed information and advice on the optimal placement of Flipper, 233B and Wobbler sprinklers in a specific crop situation.

Does overhead irrigation only work in fruit orchards?

This is an effective method of protecting plants against frost and can be used in various types of crops. In addition to fruit orchards (peaches, apricots, apples, pears, plums, cherries, sweet cherries, grapes...), overhead irrigation can also be used in other types of crops: vegetables, e.g. tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, ornamental plants, e.g. roses, chrysanthemums, lilies, herb and spice plantations.

What are the costs of installing a frost protection system?

Installation costs of Flipper, 233B and Wobbler overhead irrigation systems may vary depending on the size of the growing area, type of terrain and local conditions. However, overall the costs are not high because the installation is simple and you can do it yourself. It is recommended to consult with irrigation specialists for an accurate cost estimate and advice on optimal installation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Plants should be sprinkled from the moment the temperature drops below 0°C until it grows above zero again. It is recommended to stop irrigation when the wind speed exceeds 5.0 m/s to avoid stream drift.
The minimum water requirement for protection against frost of -3°C is 3 mm/h. With larger frosts, water demand increases by 0.5 mm/h for each additional degree of frost. Example: if the temperature is -4 °C, the minimum water demand will be 3.5 mm/h.
Water consumption depends on many factors and the solution used, but to protect 1 ha of crops, one should adopt: 
  • Flipper: approx. 20 m3/h/ha 
  • 233B: approx. 35 m3/h/ha 
  • Mini Wobbler™: approx. 30-50 m3/h/ha 
  • Xcel Wobbler™: approx. 30-50 m3/h/ha
Sprinkler spacing depends on many factors, such as the type of crop, terrain conditions, local climate conditions and farmer preferences. In general, however, it is recommended to space the sprinklers evenly to ensure uniform water coverage of the growing area during the overhead irrigation process. It is worth contacting our experts who can provide more detailed information and advice on the optimal placement of Flipper, 233B and Wobbler sprinklers in a specific crop situation.
This is an effective method of protecting plants against frost and can be used in various types of crops. In addition to fruit orchards (peaches, apricots, apples, pears, plums, cherries, sweet cherries, grapes...), overhead irrigation can also be used in other types of crops: vegetables, e.g. tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, ornamental plants, e.g. roses, chrysanthemums, lilies, herb and spice plantations.
Installation costs of Flipper, 233B and Wobbler overhead irrigation systems may vary depending on the size of the growing area, type of terrain and local conditions. However, overall the costs are not high because the installation is simple and you can do it yourself. It is recommended to consult with irrigation specialists for an accurate cost estimate and advice on optimal installation.